
CommScan stands for "Commercial Scan". I created it as part of my study work about the "detection of commercials in digital tv" at the TU Ilmenau. CommScan is a software that scans recordings created by VDR, detects the commercials in it and finally sets the corresponding cutting marks. After that they can be checked by the user in VDR and VDR's internal video cutter can be used to cut the commercials away.

At the moment I have not the time to work further on this project.

How does it work?

CommScan uses several characteristics of the video and audio stream to differentiate between commercials and ordinary programmes. That are

Some are special cases, and some are general characteristics. If none of the special cases work the algorithm uses the logo detection most of the time. The black borders are used to improve the precision of the cutting marks.


There are much things to do to make CommScan better:


CommScan itself: commscan.tgz

For running CommScan libavcodec is needed which is part of the ffmpeg package that is available at or here

For some more detailed information about the algorithms you can read my thesis (in german)

last updated on 2004-02-16